M Group Services offer all of our people the opportunity to join a workplace pension. If you are transferring into us from another Company and already have a workplace pension in place, in most circumstances you will transfer onto one of M Group Services’ pension arrangements.


If you do not currently have a workplace pension you will be auto-enrolled into the appropriate scheme from the first of the month following your completion of two month’s service providing you meet the eligibility criteria. Should you wish to join the pension plan at our standard auto-enrolment contribution level before you are due to be auto-enrolled, you can do so by contacting the relevant provider (see below).


Please note that the Government does not allow you to opt out of a workplace pension until after you have been enrolled into a pension plan. Further details on opting out will be contained within your Enrolment Notice which will be issued by your provider. Should you choose to opt out you cannot opt back in again for a minimum period of 12 months.


Once you have been enrolled into the Plan you will receive your Enrolment Notice towards the end of the month in which you are enrolled, followed by a Welcome Pack once your first contributions have been paid in by mid-month of the following month. Both of these will be delivered to your home address directly from your provider. These documents will also explain how you can monitor and manage your pension fund and plan for your retirement online.


M Group Services Pension


Our non-field personnel are eligible to join the M Group Services Pension Plan provided by Legal & General.


Further information about the M Group Services Pension Plan and Legal & General can be found on the Plan website at www.legalandgeneral.com/mgs and in the Member Guide.


The People's Pension Plan


Our field personnel and/or weekly paid people are eligible to join The People’s Pension provided by B&CE, which is the industry standard scheme for this group of our people and continues to be the most appropriate pension plan available for you. Further details of this pension plan are available at https://thepeoplespension.co.uk/workplace-pensions/


Legacy Arrangements


For those who are members of a legacy pension arrangement or a TUPE arrangement which is protected, please refer to your terms and conditions or contact the People Services team on 01457 602 745 or via the freshdesk portal and they will be able to advise you further.


If you are unsure which pension scheme you are a member of, please refer to your payslip or contact the People Services team.


For further details more specific to how your pension contributions are calculated and how you can make changes to your contributions, please refer to the Company Specific Pension Information section.